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Month: September 2019

self care sunday: what’s your personal motto?

self care sunday: what’s your personal motto?

A motto is a short phrase or sentence that expresses the guiding principle(s) of a person, group, or organization.

In God We Trust.

Live Long and Prosper.

E Pluribus Unum.

One day at a time.

Things are always working out for me.

As above, so below.

This too shall pass,

Not today, Satan.

Illegitimi non carborundum (Don’t let the bastards get you down.)

A personal motto can be a powerful thing. It can remind you of your values, serve as a source of comfort or strength, or help you focus on your goals.

Maybe you already have a personal motto, something you say (to yourself or out loud) when you need a reminder of your own strength, or encouragement to keep going when you want to quit.

If you don’t have a personal motto, today is the day to start looking for one.

A personal motto doesn’t have to be anything fancy, or poetic (although it can be). A short phrase or sentence, even just a few words, can be enough to get you back on track, or provide a little burst of positive cosmic energy.

Inspiration is everywhere. Poetry, song lyrics, your favorite novel, a quote you love and resonate with, the punchline of a joke, your own imagination…. Whatever you settle on, make sure your motto:

  • is positive.
  • is meaningful to you.
  • is something you can recall without effort.
  • makes you feel good when you think of or say it.

Once you’ve chosen or created a personal motto, try it on for a few days. Set the intention that your motto will come to mind when you need it, and it will. Then, notice whether it rings true, and whether it gives you the spark of strength, comfort, or inspiration you need at the moment.

If it still “fits” after a few days, make an effort to think of your motto throughout the day. Headed into a tough meeting? Repeat your motto. Stuck in traffic? Repeat your motto. Celebrating a big win? Repeat your motto. (An ideal motto works across a multitude of situations.) If it’s not quite right, change it. Choose another one.

"Not today, Satan" on background of vintage illustration of a praying mantis standing on hind legs, front "arms" outstretched.

Once you’ve found a winner, make it yours.

Write your personal motto in your planner. Stick it to your bathroom mirror. Have it printed on canvas and hang it over your bed. Embroider it on your jacket. Create a collage using magazine cut outs. Repeat it, like a chant or incantation, as you walk or run. Remember, self care is a daily practice. Creating and using a personal motto is an easy way to remind yourself every day of who you really are.

In other words, make your personal motto part of your life. If you do, it can act as your own personal mantra, reminding you of who you are at your core, and who you’re becoming.

My personal motto: sempervirens

I found my motto by accident. I was reading The Overstory, a novel by Richard Powers (affiliate link to a fantastic, amazing, brilliant book that you should definitely read!), when I came across the Latin phrase sempervirens. I looked it up and discovered that it means ever green, or ever flourishing. the term is typically used in reference to evergreen trees, but I knew the minute I saw it that it would be my motto: sempervirens. Ever flourishing.

cover of The Overstory, by Richard Powers

Now it’s a part of my daily thoughts, and comes to mind unbidden. Fat payday? Sempervirens! Challenging conversation ahead? Sempervirens! Compliment from a stranger? Sempervirens!

In every instance, it makes me feel strong, expansive, and fortunate. It reminds me that I’ve survived 100% of the challenges I’ve faced (I’m still here, aren’t I?!), and that truly, things are always working out for me (I’m still here, aren’t I?!) Sempervirens. Ever flourishing. Always flourishing.

Now it’s your turn! Do you have a personal motto? What is it? We’d love to hear from you!!


self care sunday: morning magic!

self care sunday: morning magic!

How does your day start? Do you wake up to an alarm? Do your kids wake you, or your significant other, or pets? Maybe you wake up according to your body’s own internal clock. Maybe you wake up in a panic, because you’re a chronic over-sleeper…

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters the most. - Buddha

Whatever it is that brings you from sleep into wakefulness, it brings with it an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the day. Those first few minutes awake, we’re like clean slates, our moods unsullied by the demands of work, other people, the news.

(When you read “unsullied”, did you immediately think of this? Me, too. Obviously. But, I digress…)

That’s why mornings are such an important time for self care. Yes, even if mornings are chaotic. Yes, especially if mornings are chaotic.

A few simple tweaks can make all the difference, to your mornings and your days. Here are some easy self care ideas you can incorporate into your routine:

Plan ahead.

  • Pick out your clothes for tomorrow.
  • Pack lunch(es).
  • Set up the coffee or teapot. Breakfast stuff too, if that’ll help.
  • Make sure everything you’ll need to take with you when you leave the house is ready to go. It’s less stressful to spend 15 minutes looking for your keys before you go bed than to do it when you’re trying to get out the door, right?

Set your smart speaker to wake you with your favorite song. My echo (Affiliate link) lulls me to sleep with ambient noise, and wakes me up with music I know will make me smile and not want to hit snooze. (If I’m worried that I’ll just yell “ALEXA, STOP!” then fall back to sleep, I set my phone alarm as backup. Know thyself!)

Speaking of phones: leave it! You weren’t even fully conscious a moment ago. so give yourself time to get reoriented and steer your day in the direction you want it to go before you start throwing all the problems and demands and worries of the world at it. Really, you don’t have to read the news, check social media, or check your email the second you open your eyes. It can wait. Leave it.

Drink some water.

Look outside. Open the door; step outside if you can. Look towards the East, where the Sun is rising whether you can see it or not. Say good morning to the day.


Listen to music that makes you want to sing and dance. While you walk the dog, while you shower, during your commute. While you’re at it…

Sing and dance!

Be grateful. Grateful that you slept in a bed. Grateful that you woke up. Even if you can’t think of anything else (and you can), that’s a lot to be grateful for. Feel it.

Make the most of mirror time. While you’ve got your attention, repeat positive affirmations, or give yourself a pep talk. Tape your affirmations on the mirror as a reminder.

If this seems like a lot, know that you don’t have to do everything listed here to reap the benefits of a more intentional morning routine. Try what sounds good. Keep doing what feels good.

A little morning magic goes a long way.


Evergreen decor: gallery walls

Evergreen decor: gallery walls

Gallery walls never really go out of style, and for good reason! They’re the perfect way to display disparate photos, mementos, and pieces of art, and there’s no one “right” way to do them, so you’re truly only bound by your own creativity (and maybe a lease…)

Adding 3-D items like hats, musical instruments, baskets, fabric, vintage clothing, jewelry, bags, etc, gives your gallery wall extra punch, and a less formal feel.

Inspiration via Apartment Therapy:

What if you can’t or don’t want to put holes in your walls? Try T-pins in drywall (insert at an angle; not for heavy items), washi tape, or picture clips attached to the wall with T-pins. (Affiliate links.)

Using T-pins to hang art & other items on the wall is a trick I learned while doing craft shows years ago. They make tiny, almost invisible holes, and are super easy to insert into drywall – perfect for a gallery wall if you’re renting, or just like to change things up a lot, like me…

Inspiration via House Beautiful

Other options:

Do you have love gallery walls? Do you have a gallery wall in your home? Leave a comment, we’d love to hear about it!
