Self Care Sunday, Friends Edition
Hello lovelies! Happy Sunday, and Happy September!

Even though it’s not officially Fall (I keep saying that, don’t I? lol), it is September now, which means FALL IS HERE WHETHER IT KNOWS IT OR NOT! (and it doesn’t, by looks of things…)
This is also a holiday weekend in the U.S. (Labor Day), which means lots of folks get an extra day off. There will be barbecues, cook outs, parties at the lake. Maybe you’re hosting or going to a get-together; maybe you’ve been invited to hang out, but aren’t sure if you want to… Which brings us to this week’s Self Care Sunday tip:
Take your inner social butterfly out to play!
I know, I know…Sometimes all we want to do on the weekend is stay home, watch Netflix, do laundry, decompress from last week and rest up for the week ahead. Sometimes that’s exactly what we need to do. BUT, sometimes we need other people, too, especially if we’re introverts, or have hermit tendencies (that’s me: a hermit).
Spending time with people we care about is important to our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It doesn’t have to be a big do; getting together for coffee, or a walk in the park, or just sitting on the porch chatting with the neighbor are all social interactions that have the potential to make us feel better. So, even if you don’t have (or want) to do a big ol’ Labor Day party, do make some time this weekend for face-to-face interactions with people you enjoy. We’re all in this together, after all.