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Watercolor Inspired Bedroom

Watercolor Inspired Bedroom

MOOD: dreamy, casual, relaxed. 

Watercolor inspired decor can be lovely in any room, but it’s perfect for a bedroom, especially in the heat of summer. I love the looks of these watercolor walls:

Here’s a tutorial from HGTV if you want to try it yourself (it looks pretty straightforward).

Even if you can’t (or don’t want to) paint an entire wall with watercolor, you can still create the mood with colors, textures, bedding, and art.

Maybe you’d like to try your hand at creating a watercolor painting; it’s easier than you think, and fun even when you “mess up”. Here’s a great place to get started: watercolor for beginners.

Click through the graphic below to see an ideas board full of inspiration!

Click though for more inspiration and ideas!

SO what do you think? Are you ready for a watercolor inspired bedroom? Would you watercolor paint a whole wall? Let me know in the comments, I’d really like to know!
