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Tag: seasonal

farewell summer: seasonal changes at home

farewell summer: seasonal changes at home

I’m thinking about fall. Isn’t everyone? It’s coming. I’ve been seeing goldenrod blooming for a month already, about two weeks earlier than usual. In England, they call goldenrod farewell summer.

goldenrod blooming by a wooden fence

The cicadas are loud enough that I hear them over the constant hum of my ac & fan. They’ve completely drowned out the crickets for now, but after they’ve gone, the crickets will still be here.

I like this transitional season, in large part because it’s the transition from my least favorite season to my very favorite one. Besides, transitions can be nice in their own right – you get to be in two places (seasons, jobs, houses, hair styles…) at once. It’s a chance to wrap up loose ends, and complete preparations for what’s ahead.

I’m obsessing over this room; doesn’t it feel like it’s mid-change to you?

And this one, plus the brilliant camping cot + tray coffee table:

These free printables seem just right for this season-between-seasons. If you don’t have access to a color printer at home or work, you can go to & order prints on cardstock for less than a dollar each, then pick them up in the store nearest you. (Not an affiliate link, I just want to give you options!)

I think they’d look great framed, or hung on clipboards on the wall for a super easy presto-chango, or even simpler, just clips:

Shop the looks here, including the round mirror in the first image. (Affiliate link.)

So, how about you? Are you making seasonal changes yet?
